Below is a list of Debian related projects and work.
Debian related projects and work
debichem - team effort to maintain chemistry-related packages in Debian (2006-)
Debichem is a team effort to package and maintain chemistry-related packages in Debian GNU/Linux. It was founded by Michael Banck in 2005/2006. Until then packages usually had been maintained by a single person or a small group and packaging files had been stored locally. With the availability of the Alioth service a platform had been created, which introduced the concept of team maintenance to everyone invloved in Debian by providing
Bluefish - open source text editor for programmers and web-developers (2005-2018)
is an open source editor. It was originally designed as an HTML editor for Linux systems. I started participating in this project in around 2005 with some basic autotools related stuff for upstream and also with my first packaging attempts for the Debian Linux distribution. I became the official Debian package maintainer even in the . Since then my upstream related tasks within this project were:
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